With much trepidation recently had a little talk with my mother on a subject I had not breached with her before. Her future Death and Burial. Surprising that I knew little about my mothers thoughts on this. I had my own speculations but they were extremely vague. I know that she has deep roots of Catholicism and a belief in reincarnation. Being her power of attorney I knew she wanted to be cremated. Some Christians are against cremation and some are not. My aunt being one that is against it. I asked my mom if she wanted my aunt to do the funeral for her and she got a scowl on her face and emphatically said, “No way!” and told me to be sure she was cremated. Upon further inquiry she informed me that she wanted an Irish Wake for a funeral, not a boring religious ceremony. Also she thought it would be nice to come back as her cat that had died a few years ago.
This made me think a bit about my own mortality and realize that I have not spelled this out in a legal way for my friends and family so they do not need to have the task of deciding for me. Better get on that! It would be interesting to do the Tibetan method known as Jhator or otherwise known as a Sky Burial. Hmm...
That all being said, I am wondering about any other folks and their conversations with their aging parents in regard to their death and burial. How did it go? Was it hard to do? How did you feel?
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