I recently watched the series Fringe
from the beginning on Netflix and also started re-watching the X
Files. I have always loved science fiction and the paranormal but
since the creation of my website, KetherMuse.Com I have discovered
and learned so much more about these subjects.
I am certainly no scholar. Just a
simple man who asks the questions that we all ask. Why are we here?
Is there a purpose to it all? Are we alone in the universe? What is
the nature of “god”. Is there a god? Is there life beyond death? Why when I think of someone, often I run into them or get a call? Or when I think, "I need a rubberband" and suddenly there is one on the ground in front of me. Magic? What is Our Place in the Cosmos?
In creating my site it quickly became
obvious that all things are intricately connected. Religion and mythology differ but have so many overlapping aspects.
And as Arthur C. Clarke noted in 1962 in Profiles Of The Future,
“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” This made for quite a challenge to sort all the subjects I
wished to explore into independent pages. Like taking a bucket filled
with a dozen differing colors of left over paint and trying to
separate them into individual cans.
I have learned that there is science and then there is scientism. The debate goes on ( video –11:52 ) What did Einstein think about
priest/physicist Georges LemaĆ®tre? Is there a “primeval atom” as LemaĆ®tre said? The channeled entity Bashar has a
similar concept he calls the "prime radiant".
Concepts the New Age folks embrace via Quantum Mysticism. And what of Buddhism and Quantum Physics?
His Holiness the Dalai Lama loves science.
Metaphysics and scientists are finding common ground with these people but the
ones who embrace scientism are going nuts. Science has its limits and I think when they come upon some things, like the paranormal,
they put their heads in the sand. Big one for me, what is
consciousness Mr.
Many scientist even think
are whacked. But they say “We May Look Crazy to Them, But They Look Like Zombies to Us”
They will think the world has fallen apart if a Transhumanist gets selected to be president!
Are people like Graham Hancock too
far out there or even Dr. Michio Kaku? The worlds of Heinlein, Clarke and Asimov seem to be becoming reality.
Cassandras of the times? Are the ideas of Aubrey de Grey to be treated as Galileo by mainstream
scientists? Is SETI a waste of time and money?
Blavatsky, Edgar Cayce clearly are a joke,
right? From Shamanism to the new advances
into the study of the psychedelic mind. The lines are getting fuzzy and it's getting wuzzier all the time. As
Socrates (may have) said, “I know that I know nothing”. But I sure
wish I did..
Please visit Kether Muse.