Above Image from Think Progress Article
11-21-2016 Added Blog On Contacting the Main Stream Media Here
11-21-2016 Added Blog On Contacting the Main Stream Media Here
This is going to be a very brief post
which will be better done in the near future. Making it to easily
post information on Facebook and Twitter to get people to call the White
House and the Justice Department because of the increasing urgency at
The illegal actions in North Dakota and
the rise of the Militarized Police (ACLU LINK)
is getting so out of hand. It is beginning to look like a crackdown
in in a totalitarian regime perpetrated by a
strong armed dictator, not a free society.
If you care about what is happening to our Native American First Nation community right now especially, please call the White House and Justice Department. We can't all be there on the front line but technology is the vanguard of the second line of defense. Share this post freely please. Mni Wiconi
If you care about what is happening to our Native American First Nation community right now especially, please call the White House and Justice Department. We can't all be there on the front line but technology is the vanguard of the second line of defense. Share this post freely please. Mni Wiconi
U.S. Department of Justice
Department Comment Line: 202-353-1555
Department of Justice Main Switchboard:
U.S. Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20530-0001
United Nations Peacekeeping Forces Contact
Non-Violent Peace Forces Belgium Email Link
Peace Brigades International-USA, P.O. Box 75880, Washington DC, 20013 EMAIL info@pbiusa.org
State Governor's Links Further Down
Please Spread this Post
It is being reported that North Dakota regulators are filing a complaint against the oil company building the Dakota Access pipeline for failing to disclose the discovery of Native American artifacts in the path of construction.
Contact Julie Federchac North Dekota Public Services Commission
600 E. Boulevard, Dept. 408
Bismarck, ND 58505-0480
701.328.2400 - Phone
877.245.6685 - Toll-Free
701.328.2410 - Fax
Please Spread this Post
It is being reported that North Dakota regulators are filing a complaint against the oil company building the Dakota Access pipeline for failing to disclose the discovery of Native American artifacts in the path of construction.
Contact Julie Federchac North Dekota Public Services Commission
600 E. Boulevard, Dept. 408
Bismarck, ND 58505-0480
701.328.2400 - Phone
877.245.6685 - Toll-Free
701.328.2410 - Fax
Unicorn Riot has many up close and personal videos of the
militarized actions against the water protectors at #StandingRock
militarized actions against the water protectors at #StandingRock
5:19 PM 11/20/16
Environmentalists Target Bankers Behind Pipeline
The Young Turks:Police Attack NoDAPL Protesters At Standing Rock
Unicorn Riot: Police & Military Attack Oceti Sakowin Treaty Camp 10.27.2016
Krystal Two Bulls: How You Can Show Your Solidarity in the Fight Against the Dakota Access Pipeline
"What we’re reading" from the American Friends Service Committee on #StandingRock
Mark Ruffalo, who created the Solutions Project Delivers Solar Panels to #StandingRock
15 Indigenous Women on the Frontlines of the Dakota Access Pipeline Resistance
‘Water is Life’: Paddling through North Dakota’s Standing Rock Protest
NBC Report
The Injustice at Standing Rock Is an American Story
Just a few links gathered from Google News search 10-27-2016
It has been reported that Kelcy Warren
CEO of Energy Transfer Partners said:
"America's freedom won't be held
back by a bunch of dirty natives with their phony spirituality and
dumb ass ecological concerns."
Stop destroying Sacred Sites and Water at #StandingRock
Please stop #injustice at #StandingRock
President Obama at Twitter
Hillary Clinton at Twitter
Jill Stein on Twitter
#MniWiconi on Twitter
#WaterIsLife on Tweiitr
For Twitter >> Be a #technology Vanguard #activist call #PresidentObama help #StandingRock #WaterIsLife #MniWiconi http://bit.ly/2fcWK5jPlease stop #injustice at #StandingRock
President Obama at Twitter
Hillary Clinton at Twitter
Jill Stein on Twitter
#MniWiconi on Twitter
#WaterIsLife on Tweiitr
Added info from friend on Facebook:
These are the states sending in "troops" to help defend big oil. It's already cost Morton County $500,000 A DAY. MAKE PHONE CALLS, PEOPLE!
State of North Dakota
Office of Governor Jack Dalrymple
701.328.2200: phone
701.328.2205: fax
The Legislative Council
Phone: 701-328-2916
E-mail: lcouncil@nd.gov
PHONE : 701-667-3350
EMAIL: allen.koppy@mortonnd.org
Assistant State's Attorney in Morton County is named Gabrielle Goter
Kyle Kirchmeier Morton County Sheriff (in charge of police at #StandingRock)
Phone: 701-667-3330
email: kyle.kirchmeier@morton.org
Wisconsin -
Governor: 608-266-1212 - Scott Walker
State Legislators: 1-800-362-9472
Tourism Dept: 1-800-432-8747
South Dakota -
Governor: 605.773.3212 - Governor Daugaard
State Legislators: 605.773.3251
Tourism Dept: 1-800-732-5682
Minnesota -
Governor: 651-201-3400 - Governor Mark Dayton
State Legislators: (651) 296-2146, (651) 296-0504
Tourism Dept: (888) 847-4866
Wyoming -
Governor: 307.777.7434 - Governor Matt Mead
State Legislators: (307) 777-7881
Tourism Dept: 307-777-7777
Indiana -
Governor: 317-232-4567 - Governor Mike Pence (Trump's VP)
State Legislators: (800) 382-9842 (800) 382-9467
Tourism Dept: 317.233.3261
Nebraska -
Governor: 402-471-2244 - Pete Ricketts
State Legislators: 402.471.2788
Tourism Dept: (402) 471-3796
It is being reported that on October 29th Governor John Kasich sent 37 highway patrol officers to North Dakota to assist with security at protests against the Dakota Access Pipeline
Phone: (614) 466-3555
And if you do contact, add outrage about double
standards in regard to white people and the Indians.
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Kether Muse