Monday, November 21, 2016

Past Time For The Media To Stand With #StandingRock

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Contacts And Information To Help At Standing Rock.
Information Added To Page Regularly
So as we know the main stream media sucks when it comes to #StandingRock So I collected links and sent them a message.
Please do the same, who knows if enough people do it something might change
Please share these links everywhere!

This is addressed to and being sent to ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, FOX and other message to Facebook:

I cannot believe you have essentially ignored one of the most unjust events happening in America since the Civil Rights Movement of the 60's.

All I wish to say is be brave and maybe be the first to get your reporters down there as legal observers and start really covering the atrocities happening to the Indian Nations.

Thank you (I hope)

(had to go to the tech support to find any sort of contact page)
FOX (also like MSNBC weird contact page)
To contact Facebook or Mark Zuckerberg I have decided the only way is to contact the help center and just send note about how they are dealing with Standing Rock posting to all the links and hopefully someone takes notice.
Or write a letter to:
Mark Zuckerberg
Facebook Headquarters
1 Hacker Way, Menlo Park, 94025

Kether Muse Wormhole

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Freedom Thought And Political Discourse

Until Further Notice Kether Muse Will Have This Link At The Top Of All Posts
In Regard To Contacts And Information To Help At Standing Rock.
Information Added To That Page Regularly

Here is a little something that goes for both the right and the left in this political season and its tensions. I first began with reading an article on Daily Kos about how "Joan Baez diffuses right wing protest at Idaho concert". Being from Idaho I knew of this event which happened in 2009. But if someone did not look at the date in small text at left of the top and just read the headline, they would think it happened yesterday.

It is so obvious that many are entrenched in their opinions and beliefs to the point that even rationally discussing any issue is near impossible. Changing your mind is a hard thing to do and even harder to admit you have reconsidered and “flip-flopped”. For presidents and political candidates it is often a death knell. On the left it is about much protesting at this moment and from the right they do not seem to understand the need for protesting or its history and power to enact change in societies, even not realizing their vote for Donald Trump in itself was a historic move of political protest. And there are those from both sides who want to “give peace a chance” in all of it. It is truly a Brave New World and forming our opinions don't just come from mom and dad any more.

Personal examples of my mind changing. First example. After 911, I was a member of numerous political chat boards. As a board member and founding member of the Idaho Peace Coalition it was an early morning daily ritual to see what other thought about war. In one heated exchange in conversation about war and Bush I was convinced by another poster that perhaps the best person to be President of the United States would be a high ranking General. A person who knows the horrors of war up front and personal. Perhaps he would be less likely to engage the country in warfare across the world. After thinking about this for quite a while I decided his argument was sound. As a result I had decided if Colin Powell was once again a potential candidate in the next U.S. presidential election and I was going to vote for him. He never got to the primaries.

Second example. In the current debates I have been a proponent of eliminating the electoral collage. As a result I have been reading lots about it's history and pros and cons from many sources. I have been looking for issues in which to engage in a meaningful way. Although I am a full supporter of non-violent civil disobedience and so wish I could be there and at Standing Rock, my physical limitations make it too difficult these days to participate in most events. But in the investigation of the issue of the electoral college I have discovered that I may not be so attached to my belief as I thought I was for so many years. The jury is still out at this point for me.

Anyway, the point is, if we are to move forward we must keep an open mind. Having an open mind is not easy. Some of the reasons it is hard are these. Fear of letting go of control, experiencing changes, making yourself vulnerable and the fear of making mistakes. But some of the benefits are strengthening yourself, gaining confidence and learning to be honest with yourself and others.

It is important to study history and realize that freedom of thought isn't free. From the time of the Pharaohs, to the Greeks to the founding of America to the Age of Enlightenment in Europe. The fight for freedom of thought is still to this day a fundamental struggle. The oppression of ideas is at the heart of much political discourse. Achieving unity of thought or consensus in our dualistic world seems a Herculean task.

And the issue of where people get their beliefs is a huge one. One of my heroes is activist Aaron Swartz (now deceased) who was, as I am, frustrated that most people did not have ready access to credible and scientific and scholarly information. My page on this is here. These days I have been pointing out on social media the fact that the majority of news shared is so biased from the right and the left it is maddening. Finding what one could consider “the truth” is almost an exercise in futility. The words of Andre Gide, "Believe those who are seeking the truth. Doubt those who find it." echo in my mind constantly. And Godwin's Law is rampant. I truly attempt it as best I can but so many hardly put forth any effort at all as they spread memes across the internet and post fake stories to “prove” what they believe is true, practicing what Saul Bellow said, "When we ask for advice, we are usually looking for an accomplice." And the Russell's Teapot option is a circular hamster wheel that gets everyone nowhere. My search for reliable news sources has developed into a new page Media Matters at Kether Muse.

This post was precipitated by the discourses I see on Facebook and my fascination of it all. In my morning reading and adding to my website I came upon this book and the following paragraph was taken near the beginning of the book “A History of Freedom of Thought” (Full Text Here) written in 1913 by J.B. Bury who was was an Irish historian, classical scholar, Medieval Roman historian and philologist.

I wish all to think about personal change, open-mindedness and what you wish to do and how you wish to act in the coming months and years. And in closing, as always, my default position is to “seek peace” in the world and inside myself. And I realize so well that at times accomplishing both at the same moment is extremely difficult.

“The average brain is naturally lazy and tends to take the line of least resistance. The mental world of the ordinary man consists of beliefs which he has accepted without questioning and to which he is firmly attached; he is instinctively hostile to anything which would upset the established order of this familiar world. A new idea, inconsistent with some of the beliefs which he holds, means the necessity of rearranging his mind; and this process is laborious, requiring a painful expenditure of brain-energy. To him and his fellows, who form the vast majority, new ideas, and opinions which cast doubt on established beliefs and institutions, seem evil because they are disagreeable.”

Added Info:
Saw this meme first thing on Facebook that I liked.
Also from the same poster a
picture of the Unity Rally in Boise Idaho 11-12-2016

Time Magazine Person of the Year 2011 "The Protester"

Image found at Dan Skogners

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Short Reply To A Friend Post 2016 Election

Until Further Notice Kether Muse Will Have This Link At The Top Of All Posts
In Regard To Contacts And Information To Help At Standing Rock.
Information Added To That Page Regularly

Post image courtesy of Fractal Enlightenment

A friend tagged me on a Facebook post after the election wherein she shares her optimistic and spiritual focused pathway for the future as she sees it. In the first sentence she uses the words “strangely activated” and continues on to express a positive focused agenda of what she dedicates herself to do.

I identify with her words “strangely activated”. I have felt this for a while now as can seen from some of my previous posts on my page such as recently making a signed peace pledge meme rededicating myself to peace work. Although fundamentally non-violent I am not a pacifist and I have realized this for a long time. I am more of a revolutionary. The last few years I have been fairly idle and somewhat reclusive but for a while now I have been feeling uneasy about being this way, increasingly intensified with the recent presidential elections and the unacceptable events occurring at the Standing Rock reservation in North Dakota. I have had many a talk with my dearest confidants about how to shake off the cobwebs and the dust and get more involved in working for societal change.

As of late my outlet has been reading history and adding information to my website on revolution, feminism, voting rights, the Constitution and beyond. In reading these things I see that the election of Donald J. Trump as the new President of the United States has shades of history wrapped all around it. Past is prologue. I have seen how Americans for the most part have short memories when it comes to history. I have felt a bit fearful for the millennials as their entire adult lives they have only known war. The baby boomers are on a steady decline in our society. And those who came at the end of that generation (like myself) who watched the chaos of the Vietnam War the race riots of the 60s and the onslaught of the rise of American foreign policy of regime change view the election of Donald Trump though different eyes.

His populist message of draining the swamp of the corruption in congress and beyond itself is nothing new. The rhetoric of “America First” too is not new but resonates with many with fear as their core emotion rather than hope. As a result of this fear is the marriage the "otherness" as a way to come to grips with this feeling of disenfranchisement and it's causes. And our new president has used this very well in this election acting as the minister conducting the ceremony of this union and as was said by Saul Bellow. "When we ask for advice, we are usually looking for an accomplice." And Trump has served well as this accomplice.

This is written as a brief response to my friend who asks, “What do you choose to stand for today?!?” Well my dear A.M. I see the “embracing of otherness” as a fundamental element in all that is wrong with the world. It fuels war. It hinders environmental progress. In frustration many say like Alvin Lee expressed in 1971, “I'd love the change the world but I don't know what to do. So I'm leaving it up to you.” (and unfortunately millennials after the loss of Bernie Sanders have seemed to adopt this attitude) Using the phrases of the past struggles and revolutions for justice to me are never passé. I will continue to use those phrases. I will say the Metta as a daily ritual. As I read your post I recall the the words of John F. Kennedy. “If not us, who? If not now, when?” We must hold our new president accountable to the proposition that "all men are created equal" to counter this otherness.

More to come. Please visit Kether Muse Main Website.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Current Situation in the #NoDAPL Struggle 11-7-2016

 Photo by AdaMedia Med Mera

Until Further Notice Kether Muse Will Have This Link At The Top Of All Posts
In Regard To Contacts Information To Help At Standing Rock.
Information Added To This Page Regularly
Page Is Here

This Message Sent Out 11-7-2016 From
Sacred Stone Camp Facebook Page

What's the current situation in the #NoDAPL struggle?

- Obama did NOT re-route the pipeline and there is absolutely NO material evidence that the administration is considering it.
- The Army Corps did NOT order Morton County to stop attacking and arresting us on (what they claim is) their land.
- There has been NO order to stop all construction. EVER.
- There is currently NO 30 day delay, there is no 45 day delay, there is no 60 day delay.
- DAPL IS still working and as we speak is desecrating a concentration of sites held sacred by multiple Nations, and is almost done with everything except the river crossing
- DAPL does NOT have the 404 permit they need to bore under the Missouri river.
- It is NOT clear whether DAPL cares about having the permit they need to bore under the river.
- The Feds are NOT preparing to raid the camp.
- Work is NOT complete in Iowa and there IS currently a lockdown action happening right now.
- NO ONE donated $2.5 million to the legal defense fund.
- Rumors ARE a tactic of state repression
- Things that Army Corps colonels say to people in passing have NO legal or regulatory teeth
- Empty promises of further review ARE a tactic of state repression
- This whole seige is taking place on land that was NEVER ceded to the US government
- We aren't leaving until we win!

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