Everywhere these days you see the hash
tag or protest sign saying #RESIST
The political elite are like the Borg
saying, "Resistance is futile, you shall be assimilated"
I have been thinking about the
evolution of human kind and have based much of my novel I am writing
on this concept. From Buddhists, theosophists, occult teachers and
channeled entities (such as Seth and Abraham/Hicks) we are told
resisting is to be avoided and (as the Rosicrucians have said) "Where
your thought is, there you are. For you are your consciousness and
what you meditate upon you become."
I have been a political activist most
my life but more and more as I age my spiritual values and beliefs
have been hitting up against my political activism. I wish to be
"for" something rather than "against" something.
At times it is a razor edge I walk. I have been thinking instead of a
#RESIST Movement I would like to start an #EVOLVE Movement. I have
been thinking of the phrase "Knowledge is Power." I look
around and see our government unfunding education and pushing science
to the wayside. It disturbs me.
In history, especially in the 20th
century, control was furthered by keeping the populace ignorant.
Anti-intellectualism has always been an effective political tool.
From Hitler to the Khmer Rouge and beyond tyrants, fascists and
authoritarians have hated intellectuals. Our current president seems
to have the same propensity.
"Wherever books are burned, human
beings are destined to be burned too." - German-Jewish poet,
Heinrich Heine
"Our country would be put in
order, as soon as all the intellectuals who were meddling in the
region were expelled" Argentina
"The youth-oriented Nazi movement
had always attracted a sizable following among right-leaning
university students. Even back in the 1920s they sensed Nazism might
be the wave of the future. They joined the National Socialist German
Students' League, put on swastika armbands and harassed any anti-Nazi
teachers." - The History Place Nazi Germany 1933 to 1939
But there may be hope! Here are some
quotes that show our world and youth are evolving in my mind.
"In the late ’60s and ’70s,
amid left-wing militancy and racial strife, a liberal era ended.
Today, amid left-wing militancy and racial strife, a liberal era is
only just beginning."
The Atlantic January-February 2016
"Trump’s election may represent
the resistance of those who fear this left-leaning future, but it
won’t change that future from coming to pass."
Wired Magazine December 19th, 2016
"A report from the Pew Research
Center finds a wide partisan gap between highly educated and
non-highly-educated Americans. Not only that, but the share of
college grads and post-graduates who are "consistently liberal"
has grown sharply in the last 20 years."
NPR April 30th, 2016
"People growing up in the 1940s
and 1950s ... were raised in a broad culture that was way more
conservative than people coming of age in the 1960s and beyond. And
with each passing generation, our culture, collectively, has become
more and more accepting of ideas that, many years ago, had negative
Christian Science Monitor May 28, 2015
“Not a huge surprise that the highly
educated would be in the vanguard of this. Those with more education
have for many decades shown more consistency in their ideological
views: they’re better positioned to figure out exactly where they
stand in relation to the parties, and expected to take stances that
line up. It’s also not a surprise that the movement in recent
decades among the highly educated has been toward ideological
consistency on the left. The evidence shows it does seem to make
people somewhat more cosmopolitan, more comfortable with social
diversity, more tolerant of social difference.”
Neil L. Gross, the Charles A. Dana
Professor of Sociology at Colby College
"Highly educated adults –
particularly those who have attended graduate school – are far more
likely than those with less education to take predominantly liberal
positions across a range of political values. And these differences
have increased over the past two decades."
PEW Research Center April 26, 2016
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