8 years ago we began our adventure into the "War on Terror". Please go to the website of the 911 Families for Peaceful Tomorrows and read their statement for today.
Now for other matters.
NATO Secretary-General Anders Fogh Rasmussen said he is concerned the public debate on Afghanistan “has started to go in the wrong direction” after the civilan airstrike deaths last week.
Airstrikes have dropped in half so maybe that is why four Marines died in eastern Afghanistan after their commanders reportedly rejected requests for artillery fire in a battle with insurgents.
Peaople are urging General McChrystal to explain the path forward for success in the new strategy in Afghanistan…
Even as people are found stealing our money in Afghanistan we are increasing the number of these private contractors to fight the war. What are they thinking?
Write to the Whitehouse and tell Obama to end this war.
Oh well….
Work for Peace
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