“…..I received your "absent electors ballot" in the mail yesterday. I found it rather ironic. "Conservation Voters". Hmm... It seems to me that the high gloss ink laden thick paper mailer isn't quite conservative in regard to natural resources it required to print it. Seems to me a standard black and white mailer on paper of average weight would have served as well. Also the cost of such a mailer doesn't conserve the money it cost to produce it.. I suppose it is all subjective. Just saying…”
Now, I know I am not perfect in regard to my own “conservation” and ecological choices. But it seems to me that this mailer sends a wrong message to those it is suppose to be supporting and lobbying for. They are supported by donations from the public. I have not joined groups such as the Sierra Club for similar reasons and have sent them letters also in regard to their extensive mailers seeking funds and their use of money to purchase “gifts” to send you if you join them. It just seems so extravagant, wasteful and not a good use of donated funds.
I have chosen to use my limited funds to donate to environmental organizations to groups such as Alliance for the Wild Rockies. They send out little in regard to fundraising and news letters, they use standard weight recycled paper, more earth friendly inks and don’t purchase cute little gifts (most likely made in China) to entice your support. I would rather my donations go to the actual work for the environment.
Am I being pissy or does this make sense to anyone one else?
I do not think you are being pissy. I have always wondered about various earth friendly organziations enticing donators with gifts for contributing...it always made me leary too. If I am sending in $25 and they are sending me a canvas bag or windbreaker how does that help them. Unless of course they get those donated somehow but I don't think so. AND they really should think about the paper, ink and frequency of mailings.
Are you listening conservation organizations? When I worked for a company making calls for renewals to such organizations, what you enumerated was the number one reason for non-renewals. Unfortunately, this informatioan was not transmitted to them. People would say, "If you'd have called me before the glossies, I would have renewed!
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