Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Thoughts On 911

 I remember well the events of 911. As the early riser I am, I was watching early morning news as I had my coffee and played on the computer. Hearing that a plane had apparently hit the World trade center, I was mildly interested and looked up to see. Little did I know how that moment would change the world we knew in so many ways.. Is this still current news or is it now history and part of the new American mythos?

There is a quote that goes, "The owl of Minerva only takes flight as the dusk begins to fall." The meaning is that “understanding, insight, wisdom arise when the object to be understood has played itself out, when it has actualized and thus exhausted its potentialities, and now faces only decline.” The “Little Owl” accompanies Athena, the virgin goddess of wisdom and is considered a sign of wisdom. Will we gain wisdom from 911, or are we still in the midst of it so deep that it will be left to our children or our grand children, who have more distance from the event, to fully grasp how it has changed the world?

Has this endless war on terror now become the norm in the minds of the humans of the planet? How can we give the understanding to the younger generation that this is not theway it has always been? How can we stir the memories of ourselves to remember and foster an attitude that makes this change unacceptable? The war on terror cannot be won, especially when we cannot even define what a terrorist is. You cannot fight an idea. And in this post 911 world I see our country’s military becoming no different than any other “terrorists” out there with the exception that we have many more weapons than anyone else to terrorize with and “we the people” pay for this terrorism.(this is an older chart, but you get the idea)

Is this the world that we wish to resign ourselves to? I sure as hell don't. It is a daunting task to work for peace when the tide of war seems to be constantly rushing toward us with a mighty force, but I for one am going to continue to speak out, demonstrate, make phone calls and write letter advocating different solutions to this endless world of war. I hope you do also will, otherwise what world are we going to leave to our future generations? Join the Peace Movement and do what you can for peace. Locally here in Idaho join the Idaho Peace Coalition (facebook is best).

In closing, please visit the page of  9/11 Families for Peaceful Tomorrows >>> "The vision for September 11th Families for Peaceful Tomorrows was born when a small group of family members of those killed on 9/11 became connected after reading each others’ pleas for nonviolent and reasoned responses to the terrorist attacks."

Work for Peace

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