For Our Mothers

Much talk in our politics these days of the inequality toward woman in our society and the world. But one thing that woman are unequaled in is the gift of the sacred space referred to by some as the Yoni where the future is manifested, nurtured and given as a gift to the world in the embodiment of our children. Every woman is a manifestation of the Divine Feminine. I honor and acknowledge your sacred space and celebrate you as the Goddesses you are!
Many do not realize that Mothers Day was originally a day to call attention to Peace. In 1870 Julia Ward Howe issued a Declaration/Proclamation hoping to gather together women to take action to end war. After the civil war they understandably felt deeply the loss of their husbands, brothers, fathers and of course their sons due to the ravages of war and knowing “war is hell”. This has always been so. And unfortunately remains the same.
So while we enjoy our mothers and families I ask, like Julia Ward Howe, please spend a moment considering wars and ending them. Raise your glass a moment and send out your compassionate thoughts and prayers for all those mothers out there who continue to suffer from them today. Then kiss the nearest mother to you. Many blessing to you all! Work for Peace.
Photo found at The Blooming Womb
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