Image: Adam touching the hand of God,
Michelangelo, ceiling of the Sistine Chapel
What is “art”? What is creation and
its links to creativity? Is “Build it and they will come” or Ray
Bradbury's advise “First you jump off the cliff and build your
wings on the way down.” sound proposals for starting a venture? Do
we create our reality
or is it all a crap-shoot? Are Art and Science mutual means to realizing ones goals? In today's post I will muse on
these things a bit.
Back in the 90's a friend, Chris, and I
being totally frustrated with the local arts scene in regard to the
prevalent attitude that most crafts were not “art” decided to
form an artist's cooperative. She is a bead-worker and I am eclectic
in my creations. It was open for a good run but because of location
we struggled. One idea made manifest. Enough on that.
The line between art and craft has been
debated for years. This article by Denis Dutton on art and craft I found to very good as well
as the comments below the article “Tate Debate: When is a craft an art?” I have been thinking on this as I am in the process of attempting
to create a new business venture
and have put out my feelers for this relying on some of my Social Currency with an emphasis as a basic operating principle of creating a sense
of community. I know many folks are out in the community that have
"Arts and Crafts” they would love to share and also make a bit of
money for their efforts. Two problems I see: Many lack the financial
resources to pay the high price of most well established events and
fairs and also may not have enough of their creations to fill the
standard 10X10 booth space. My intention is to create a space that
will accommodate those two needs.
This brings me to the next point of
this post. As it has been widely determined , art is greatly defined
by Aesthetics. An aesthetic I embrace that flavors my world view as well as art is
the aesthetic of Wabi-sabi. In most respects this has served me well for many years. As Bradbuy
advised I have always been one who takes the leap instilled with
abundant faith in myself and the workings of the universe. Recently I have been consumed with these thought and more. But here
is the rub.
Events of recent years have contributed
to a gradual decline in my physical abilities and general adventurous
spirit which I have identified in terms of “who I am”. Finding the true essence of
myself has been clouded in terms of “what I do” to define that
self. These may be the inevitable consequences of aging. Perhaps
Otium is a state I am ready to embrace? Well there is a spark within me
that says “No, not yet.” So “what to do” I ask. Where do I
gather and reestablish the ingredients of my Mojo?
Yes, this has been a rambling mini-muse, has
it not? Like my nature spirit the frog I am in the mood to take a leap into the unknown again.
This post has now evolved into another outreach to vendors of
different stripes. Not just artists or crafters but folks of any
entrepreneurial persuasion with desire to share their passions. Collectors, musicians, writers, tarot readers and more...
Any one else ready to “build your
wings on the way down”