Tuesday, November 4, 2014

On Living Ghosts and Revolution

Living Ghosts

"I think therefore I am." is René Descartes' famous thought on existence. Now before you roll your eyes and hit exit on this post let me assure you this is not a venture into the philosophical merits of Cartesian dualism versus Naturalistic dualism. Even my head hurts at the thought of that! But ghosts, that is an attention grabber. Halloween images still linger with us at this time like those spots we see when looking into the sun too long.

Did you know there are 10 million Living Ghosts wandering among us? A standard definition of a ghost is “an apparition of a dead person that is believed to appear or become manifest to the living, typically as a nebulous image.” But what if you never died but still felt you were just “an apparition” to those you engaged with? Further imagine being born invisible. Or being alive, but unable to prove you exist. Well my friends, this is the state 10 million souls find themselves in worldwide. And here is why.

At least 10 million people worldwide are currently stateless. Most of them refugees fleeing wars. Just for instance 3 million have fled from Syria in recent years. It is estimated a baby is born stateless every 10 minutes and 1/3 of the stateless are children. If you are stateless you can be denied the rights and services that countries normally offer their citizens. Statelessness can mean a life without education, without medical care, employment, the right to marry, no ability to move freely and when you die there won't even be a death certificate to say you were even alive.

Special envoy to the U.N. Angelina Jolie, Nobel Peace Laureate Archbishop Desmond Tutu and many others are backing a global campaign to end this horrific injustice. The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)  has launched 10-year global campaign to end statelessness being called the #IBELONG campaign  Seeking 10 million signatures for the 10 million. You can sign on to the Open Letter HERE I signed on. I am hoping you will too. Flowing onward.

Modern Revolution

“Remember remember the 5th of November”. Here I begin a short stroll down what could be a very long road of questions and debate. Tomorrow is Guy Fawkes Day  Increasingly the Guy Fawkes mask has become a worldwide symbol of resistance for activists who are angry with the “establishment” and its policies that are viewed to be unjust, suppressive or simply lacking in compassion for our fellow man. The mask can be seen being adopted by groups such as the Occupy Movement  but most notably the group that calls itself Anonymous.

Across the world people are calling for change via Resistance or Revolution, even here in the United States. The “revolutionaries” are increasingly coming out of the shadows. Our country was created by revolutionaries and many wish to resurrect that spirit again. You know, “When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another.....” Fueled by increasing discontent with our political system simple families to those who believe the theories of world domination from the Illuminati, the mood is palatable. It hangs in the air like an aroma you can't see, touch or pinpoint but you can taste it in your mouth. Many wish to think on more positive things and dismiss it in general, and I applaud them, but they too realize its presence.

My thoughts. Two things on revolution. 1: Historical data and evidence shows that if only 3.5% of citizens embrace non-violent civil disobedience they can overpower the government. In the USA right now that means it would take 11 million people. 2: Historical data and evidence shows also that non-violent revolutions succeed on an average of 3 years compared to armed violent struggles that take on an average of 7 years.  I choose non-violent civil disobedience if and when it comes to that time. John Lennon said, "When it gets down to having to use violence, then you are playing the system’s game. The establishment will irritate you – pull your beard, flick your face – to make you fight. Because once they’ve got you violent, then they know how to handle you. The only thing they don’t know how to handle is non-violence and humor." - John Lennon

So today I encourage you to think about the state of the world, what you would like to change and how would you like to do it. I also ask a few questions, to start one that has been asked quite a bit before and after the events of 911. Who are the terrorist and who are the freedom fighters? And another, where do hacktivists fit in to this new model of resistance?  Are you Anonymous or cDc?  Secretly do you wish you were? “We are Anonymous, We are legion, We never forgive, We never forget, Expect us.” Well now.

So my friends I leave you today suggesting we all take a deep breath, reach out and tell those you love that you love them. We will not change the world over night, but we can change ourselves. Today do something kind to one person you may or may not know who is having life difficulties and assist them if you can. Remember what ThichNhat Hanh  says. “Compassion is a verb.” And as always, please share this post freely.


Anonymous said...

Very insightful. Thank you for sharing

Kether said...

Thank you Rachel. Glad you liked it..